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One, Two, Barchu!

One, Two, Barchu! A Course for Aspiring Shabbat Ma'ariv Leaders with Dr. Ira Kirschner
Mondays from January 27 to February 24 at 7:30 PM

If you have ever attended Shabbat Maariv services and thought to yourself “I wonder if I can do that”, this course is for you! Over five sessions we will go over the Maariv service, break it down, and learn the meaning of the various prayers. We will then learn how to lead it with a traditional nusach and melodies (prayer chanting)! At the end, our goal is that all participants will schedule themselves to lead Shabbat Maariv at KI this year. The course will also feature one on one work with the teacher, and group work on building confidence in leading the community in prayer. We will conclude this course with a Siyum (completion celebration) and workshop with Ariel Wyner. 

About Ira: He is an accomplished leader, educator, and student affairs professional. Kirschner grew up outside of Jerusalem in a modern Orthodox Jewish community and completed five years of service in the Israel Defense Forces, later serving in the IDF reserves. Kirschner earned a doctorate in education from the University of Kansas, and both a bachelor’s degree in communications and a master’s degree in policy, administration, and leadership in education from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he was Office of Student Life director at its Rothberg International School from 2016-2019.

Thu, February 6 2025 8 Shevat 5785